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The War Within: Focus on crafting orders created by NPCs – World of Warcraft

Crafting commands offered by NPCs are available in the World of Warcraft: The War Within beta. The opportunity to take a look at this new feature whose objective is to allow all players to benefit from crafting orders for their professions.

1. Operation and interface

As Blizzard notes, NPC Commands is a system that should allow players to regularly complete commands and receive rewards for using their professions. Unlike actual orders placed by players, they are not limited or subject to a first-come, first-served basis, so players should not have to worry about paying for them.

In practice, the “NPC” tab allows you to access crafting orders placed by non-player characters. Some orders offer all components while others offer only a few, or even none.

NPC Commands for AlchemyNPC Commands for Calligraphy

Note that by hovering your cursor over the words “some” or “all”, the game displays the included components.

You also notice that the quality of the requested recipes varies and can cost you relatively expensive, especially because completing the recipes risks costing you concentration, a resource that regenerates gradually. For the rest, we are in a classic order system, you create the object and you receive the reward by mail.

2. Rewards

Commissions vary roughly between 50 and 90 gold coins. Additionally, you may receive an additional gift. This is indicated by the icon of a treasure chest in front of the gold which is systematically offered to you.

According to Blizzard, these crafting writs will be a new way to earn crafting knowledge points, so it’s very likely that you’ll be completing them every week in order to progress as quickly as possible in your specializations.


Here are several visuals of the commands themselves.


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