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l’or are you future?

Used timidly in our food, especially via food supplements, algae conceal unsuspected riches which could be used in multiple areas. This Friday at 3:50 p.m., TV5Monde broadcasts the documentary “Les Maîtres des algae”.

Easy to grow, microalgae could meet food needs. Until now, the fight against malnutrition has involved the mass cultivation of soybeans, which are rich in protein but require large amounts of water and lead to deforestation. Alternative solutions are therefore needed, such as algae that can be produced even on non-arable land with potable or non-potable water, including brackish water and seawater.

No waste

In Iceland, a farm run by Algaennovation uses geothermal electricity to power LEDs and photobioreactors that grow algae (including chlorella and spirulina). The system removes carbon from the atmosphere, uses no pesticides or herbicides, and creates no polluting waste. It can also be used with hydroelectric power plants, making it suitable for adoption by many countries. Additionally, while soybeans have a protein content of 35-40%, dried microalgae can have a protein content of up to 60%.

Biofuels: patience…

While polyunsaturated fatty acids extracted from algae are used for human nutrition, more saturated fatty acids and lipids are used in the production of biofuels. But these will not appear on the market for ten or twenty years. The reason: the cost of the technologies. And the organization in order to meet a pharaonic demand. Because wild algae cannot provide enough lipids to produce the required quantities. According to the researchers, it will be necessary to work further on their modification in order to maximize the production of lipids. And to count on very generous investors and benefactors.

From head to toe (green)

Algae are starting to be popular with the textile industry because they allow for less energy-intensive and more environmentally friendly production than other materials. Microalgae in particular color clothes thanks to their pigments. In 2023, the Nike Alpha Force Low x Billie Eilish sneaker was released, which admittedly contains a tiny amount of algae that the brand obtains from the start-up Living Link, but it is a big step towards more organic shoes! Another start-up, KeelLabs, makes sewing thread from algae whose biopolymer, also called alginic acid, is natural. The only major problem: the clothes made in this way cannot be machine washed, but by hand, with pH-neutral soap, then stored in bright, humid places, like plants!

For toddlers

Chlorella, a freshwater green microalgae, is, according to researchers, beneficial for adults and also for toddlers, including those who have difficulty eating a varied diet. Rich in vitamins A, B12, C, D, iron, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and antioxidants, it promotes healthy digestion (absorption of more essential nutrients), the development of good teeth and gums, the brain, of the nervous system and growth in general. Chlorella can be included in the diet in powder form (available in pharmacies and with appropriate advice for quantity) in compotes, soups, smoothies. Or ice cream: in summer, mix 2 to 3 cups of fruit, ½ cup of coconut milk, a portion of chlorella, pour everything into molds put in the freezer.

This article appeared in Le Télépro on 20/6/2024


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