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Tourist season: a promising summer in the Coaticook region, assure local stakeholders

TOURISM. Several new tourist attractions will punctuate the next summer season. Several of these were revealed during a launch in which several players in the sector participated, at the Le Gros Pierre orchard.

Around sixty people gathered on June 12 on the terrace of this agrotourism company in Compton, which is also one of the places offering a new offer to its visitors.

The addition of new accommodation units at the Auberge du change d’ère will increase the number of rooms available in the greater Coaticook region. In this location, it will be possible to sleep in a “drop”, suspended above the ground.

The Rues Principales organization, in collaboration with the City of Coaticook and the Traces et Souvenances organization, will present the play “La Grande Escapee”, an ambulatory theater that will take spectators on a journey of approximately two kilometers to the city center . We will pass by the Hop Station microbrewery and the Coaticook Arts and Culture Pavilion, all in a magical and historical atmosphere.

A visit to the Sacrévice-Emporium Gourmand is also a must. This new Compton establishment offers maple delights and coffees.


Tourist reception will be back in a mobile format for a fourth consecutive year. Ambassadors from the region will travel across the region to promote and discover the attractions.

This approach was put in place following the closure of the tourist reception office some time ago. We preferred to “meet visitors where they were”, we explained to motivate this decision.

The mayor of Coaticook and elected responsible for tourism issues at the MRC of Coaticook, Simon Madore, recognizes the importance of this sector of activity for the region. “The tourism industry is an important economic vector for the MRC territory. This start to the season looks very promising,” said the elected official during the meeting on June 12.


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