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Philippe Aghion, co-president of the Artificial Intelligence Commission, speaks at SIDO Lyon 2024

In March 2024, the Artificial Intelligence Commission, co-chaired by Philippe Aghion and Anne Bouverot, submitted to the President of the Republic a detailed report of 25 strategic recommendations to support the rise of France as a major player of the AI ​​technological revolution. On the occasion of the tenth edition of SIDO, we will have the pleasure of welcoming Philippe Aghion on Thursday September 19, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. in the Confluence Auditorium.

Artificial intelligence, generating opportunities for industrial SMEs

Philippe Aghion will offer a keynote as an introduction to the SIDO show plenary devoted to AI, before participating in the round table.

The Generative AI revolution has not yet taken place in SMEs. According to the latest study by Bpifrance Le Lab, published in March 2024, 72% of VSE/SME managers do not use these tools, unable to find a use for them. And for those exploring the potential of AI, this is still limited to support functions. Few have had an impact on their business model. However, between agile use (to encourage employees to become familiar with it), formalized (to integrate uses explicitly) or structured (to overhaul business operations), the AI ​​avenues that are open to SMEs are many. Pedagogy, identification of needs and uses, training, operational implementation: how can we support industrial SMEs in appropriating AI tools, so that they do not fall behind and create opportunities?

A session led by Caroline Chopinaud, General Director of the France AI Hub.

Meet on Thursday September 19, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. – Cité Internationale de Lyon – Auditorium Confluence

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