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Collaborative: Interstis challenges Microsoft in administration

Solutions that position themselves as alternatives to Office 365 are multiplying. Interstis, a Burgundian publisher, is part of this trend. Its expertise was even recently used by the State to lead “Hexagone”, one of the three sovereign collaborative suite projects.

Founded in 2013, the publisher has since gained notoriety, in particular by using RESANA, the collaborative platform for state agents, after convincing DINUM. It primarily targets local authorities, ministries or health establishments. Today it has 400,000 users in France and 50 employees spread across several branches (Paris, Montpellier, Nantes and Le Creusot).

Infra SecNumCloud, open source and homemade

On the technological side, its suite is structured around 10 functionalities, including document editing, email, project management, the collaborative directory, the shared calendar, and even videoconferencing tools.

Everything is based on the SecNumCloud infrastructure from Outscale (the cloud subsidiary of Dassault Systèmes).

Interstis uses OnlyOffice for the text, spreadsheet and presentation part. “Ultimately, our offer will integrate the Cryptpad solution supported by our French partner Xwiki,” Mathieu Candel, Communications Manager of the publisher, tells MagIT.

For video, Interstis uses another open source brick with Jitsi. “As part of the consortium [Hexagone], we are also working to integrate the open source end-to-end encrypted video solution from Linphone supported by our Grenoble partner Belledonne Communication,” explains Mathieu Candel. “The big advantage compared to Jitsi – which is a good WebRTC solution – is that it allows all uses of instant communication to be handled in a single application: telephony, video and chat.”

For messaging, we find Bluemind technology. “We made this choice for three reasons. First of all, this solution has been recognized for several years for its quality. Scalable, it fits perfectly into our multi-tenant strategy. Last but not least, [elle] ensures 100% compatibility with the Outlook heavy client.

On the GED, on the other hand, Interstis has developed its own solution, with “very high modularity in the management of rights”. This proprietary technology should be open sourced shortly.

Interstis has also created its own instant messaging (Slack/Team type), called “Dialogue”. Here again, as part of Hexagone, this application will be enriched and completed with Linphone technology.

If the solution is intended to be secure, in an environment controlled by the customer, it is also intended to be open with APIs and connectors (SSO, LDAP, calendar, etc.).

Conquering Europe (and the private sector) with hexagon

“The philosophy of Interstis is to become, in the next two years, the French alternative to Microsoft Office in the public sector by winning the “battle” of local authorities,” says the publisher.

“With Hexagone, one of our main challenges is to become the alternative to Microsoft Office and Google Workspace in the public sector. »

Mathieu CandelResponsable communication d’Interstis

Regarding Hexagone, V1 should be available before September with three first modules: document storage and collaboration, email, instant communication. Encrypted collaborative editing and the generalization of voice control will follow a little later.

The consortium should also act as an accelerator for Interstis. “With Hexagone, one of our main challenges is to become the alternative to Microsoft Office and Google Workspace in the public sector – with priority targets, the actors of the territorial public service: communities, Management Centers, EPCI , etc. » situates the editor. “Once established in this market, Hexagone has the ambition to become a European player by addressing its offer to private companies.”

The ambition is therefore there, but the road promises to be long for a challenger who today has a turnover of 4.5 million euros. It will nevertheless be able to count on support from the State and the BPI to the tune of €10 million over 3 years at the consortium level.

Interstis is in any case already working on developments in its offering such as the integration of electronic signatures, APIfication or even a micro-services architecture (“to provide even more scalability and be able to optimize our energy footprint”, justifies Mathieu Candel).

The diary and project management building blocks should also be overhauled.


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