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iPhone ringtone causes internet turmoil

The iPhone’s “Bord de Mer” ringtone is the basis of a strange debate that is igniting the web: it is said to be deeply unpleasant, to the point of causing physical symptoms.

Social media sometimes takes things to extremes. The latest debate to date among these, and particularly about nails on a chalkboard,” as CNN points out. Some even claim to feel physical symptoms just by hearing it, including heart palpitations.

Others, a little less extreme, seem to find the tone quite ridiculous: “If your alarm is “Bord de Mer”, you are not a very serious person. » can we read in a post on X.

Faced with this strange reaction, CNN went to interview musicologist Carlos Xavier Rodriguez. For him, several reasons would explain this rejection: an absence of clear tone, an ending on a weak beat, but above all what would pose a problem is the instrumentation, that of a somewhat cloying electronic keyboard which recalls the absence human touch of this music.

Of course, there are also many people who appreciate the ringtone, to the point that many covers and orchestrations can be found on the Internet. We are therefore faced with a particularly divisive ringtone.

Maybe after all, the problem with “Bord de Mer” is that it’s a wake-up call?

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