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Chat with a celebrity using artificial intelligence? It’s soon possible thanks to Google

According to The Information, Google Labs is currently developing “a product to create and converse with customizable chatbots, which could be modeled on celebrities or created by users.” Using Gemini, it should therefore be possible to create a chatbot by directly influencing its personality, but also its appearance.

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A major problem then arises: the image rights of the personalities in question. To counter this concern, Google is particularly considering partnering directly with influencers to create chatbots based on their voice, appearance and personality. This project could be launched as early as this year, as a parallel and independent project at Google. In the event of a positive reception from the public, such a functionality could also be integrated directly into YouTube: at least that is what seems to be the desire at Google.

Not to be confused with Gemini Gems

This project comes as this year’s I/O conference was an opportunity for Google to announce Gems, personalized versions of Gemini meeting specific needs. Planned to be accessible this year, Gems can take on several different roles: yoga teacher, cook, mathematics tutor… If the average Gemini user will be able to use these predefined avatars, Gemini Advanced subscribers will be able to directly create their own models.

The main difference between Gemini Gems and the project discussed above is the fact of being able to converse directly with real personalities, even if it is obviously not them, in the end. This project enters into direct competition with Meta, which announced last September a partnership with various famous personalities (such as Paris Hilton, Snoop Dogg or Tom Brady) for the creation of chatbots based on their appearance and personality, usable on Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp. Before long, it will therefore potentially be possible to find yourself in a particularly grotesque situation, conversing with LeBron James or Kylian Mbappé about a béchamel sauce recipe.


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