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Connected objects and environment: UCA and Linxens launch a joint laboratory

The Internet and connected objects have a considerable impact on the environment. Raw materials, precious metals and rare earths extracted under very impactful conditions, electricity consumption… so many effects which go completely unnoticed in trivial everyday actions. Estimates show that the global fleet of connected objects will reach more than 40 billion devices in 2025, double the current fleet which already represents an electricity consumption equivalent to that of a country which would be ranked sixth among consumers of ‘electricity. In fact, connected objects constitute a major challenge for the green growth of industrialized countries.

IoT, or the collective network of connected devices

The Linxens company and the University of Clermont Auvergne have decided to join forces in a joint laboratory dedicated to the development of innovative and environmentally friendly solutions in the field of connected objects. Linxens, is the world leader in the design and manufacture of connectivity solutions for smart cards, electronic identity, health and IoT while the UCA, whose research focuses on sustainable models, has opened the IoTAE, the laboratory for the Internet of Things Applied to the Environment, the result of a collaboration with the FRE, Federation of Environmental Research in which scientists from UCA, INRAE ​​and CNRS are involved.

Limit energy-intensive data transmission

This new laboratory, created for a period of 4 years, aims to make a scientific contribution to improving systems based on the Internet of Things, what we call IoT. Research will focus on functionalities, miniaturization, cost reduction and above all reducing environmental impact. The objective is more particularly to create autonomous intelligent communicating objects by limiting the energy-intensive transmission of data. The collaboration with Linxens will make it possible to promote innovations by placing new generation communicating devices on the market which will provide a solution adapted to ecological challenges by minimizing their carbon footprint and maximizing their energy efficiency.


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