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Saint-Lin-Laurentides Library lends video games

A selection of video games is now available at the Saint-Lin-Laurentides municipal library.

Since June 12, Saint-Linois families have been able to rent video games from the municipal library.

“I consider that the library is part of the city’s recreation department, so it is up to us to offer the community more accessible, diversified and quality experiences,” said Laïka Jean, coordinator and librarian at Saint -Lin-Laurentides, during an interview with Review. This explains the arrival of video games among the services offered at the library.

“We are very open to suggestions from citizens regarding the games they wish to rent. » – Laïka Jean, coordinator and librarian

In order to design a first selection of video games, Ms. Jean said she went to meet experts in the field in addition to carrying out research of her own to be on the lookout for current trends. “I made sure to offer great diversity, so we have games for young people as well as adults,” she said. We based this on best sellers and recent releases, among other things. »

So, whether you have a Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One or Xbox Series S/X, you can find a game for your own console at home.


To allow the library to take the pulse of this new service, video games can currently be rented for a period of four weeks. In addition, a family can leave with one game at a time, to give others the chance to enjoy it too.

“Without even having shared the news yet via our leisure notebook, I can already see enthusiasm among people. Several seemed pleasantly surprised when they entered,” rejoiced the librarian.


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