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Folk dance, popular songs, gastronomy… What awaits you at the 5th Meeting of Grimaldi Historic Sites in Monaco this weekend

If by chance you are planning to go to the Prince’s Palace Square this weekend, don’t be surprised to travel back in time several centuries. In an era where the Grimaldi dynasty, through diplomatic agreements or matrimonial alliances, had forged links well beyond its Rock.

On June 15 and 16, therefore, twelve of its former strongholds will be honored for the 5e Meeting of the historic Grimaldi sites of Monaco. On the French side, we will note the presence of Breil-sur-Roya and Bathernay (Drôme). But it is on the Italian side that we will identify the most participating municipalities: Ventimiglia, Olivetta San Michele and Airole for Liguria; Campagna and Monteverde for Campania; Ripacandida, city of Basilicata; and finally Spinazzola, Poggiorsini, Terlizzi and Canosa di Puglia will represent Puglia. This is the largest transalpine contingent since the birth of this free event in 2018.

“When Prince Albert II visited these cities for their integration into the network, he always received an extraordinary welcome. His wish was to return the favor by inviting them each year in turnsummarizes Mireille Martini, deputy president of Pavillon Monaco, in charge of the organization. These meetings are placed under the seal of conviviality and simplicity. It’s a celebration that aims to be popular.”

So much for philosophy.

The year 1524 in red thread

The main historical theme of this edition is the year 1524, the date on which the Principality established itself on the international scene. “This is the recognition of Monegasque sovereignty by the Emperor Charles V, 12 years after that of the King of France Louis XII.summarizes Thomas Fouilleron, director of the Palace Archives and secretary general of the Federation of Grimaldi Historic Sites of Monaco (read below).

A sound and light show, projected on the facade of the princely residence this Saturday at 10 p.m., will recount these ancestral links.

If this common past remains the essential vector, it does not in itself sum up the spirit and content of these meetings. This historical connection is skilfully combined with entertainment and pleasures of the mouth. “For two days, these ancient strongholds will present their tourist attractions but also their crafts, their folklore, their local production. continues Mireille Martini.

Last year, the equestrian jousts were a great success with the public.
Photo archives Jean-François Ottonello.

“They leave here delighted”

Ambassadors of Monaco in their respective regions, they benefit here from the visibility offered by the Principality. Thus, at the discretion of the village of chalets and barnums set up this week, the visitor will be able to taste many specialties – wines and olive oils at the head of the gondola – as well as witness a restoration of pipe organs or an intaglio engraving.

On the large central stage there will be magician tricks, popular songs, folk dances, theater scenes and historical reenactments. “They generally leave the Principality delighted. Many discover her for the first time and retain an image of her that is far from the usual clichés of luxury and wealth. On the contrary, they feel a very village spirit.” assures, delighted, Mireille Martini.


5th Meeting of the Grimaldi historic sites of Monaco, June 15 and 16 on the Place du Palais princenier. Opening of the village from 10 a.m. Free.

The highlights

The complete program can be found on:

Saturday and Sunday all day

– Pony rides between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. on the Place du Palais. – Square ball games (balls provided).
– Educational goose game created by the François d’Assise-Nicolas Barré Institution from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
– Farm animals.


11 a.m.: speech by Prince Albert II and presentation of trophies to the mayors of the invited municipalities.
12:50 p.m.: performance of the Sbandieratori e Musici Ente Agosto Medievale Città (Ventimiglia).
3:50 p.m.: historical reconstruction of A Stacada and I Tchapacan of Breil-sur-Roya.
9 p.m.: concert by the Prince’s Carabinieri Orchestra.
10 p.m.: Sound & Light Show on the facade of the Prince’s Palace.


10:30 a.m.: Concert by the Liceo Musicale dell’llS Teresa Confalonieri orchestra from Campagna.
11:30 a.m.: popular songs by Vincenzo e Michele (Monteverde)
1:15 p.m.: modern songs by Nicola Leone (Poggiorsini)
3:15 p.m.: Tricks of magician Romain Fouques.

Questions to Thomas Fouilleron, director of the Princely Palace Archives

This year, the Principality commemorates the 500th anniversary of the year 1524, the common theme of this 5th Meeting.

It is a major date for the affirmation and recognition of Monegasque sovereignty. This, which emerged in the context of the Italian Wars, arose from a long-lasting rivalry between the Germanic Empire and Hasbourg Spain, personified by Charles V, and the Kingdom of France. Monaco is in contact with these two great groups and, for Charles V, having the Grimaldis as allies is a sort of lock against the King of France. It is truly the birth of Monaco on the international scene, on the political map of Europe

The Treaty of Burgos of June 7, 1524 promised certain territories to the Grimaldi…

The promise dates from 1529, when Charles V came to visit Monaco, and it was fulfilled in 1532, but it is in the spirit of the alliance of 1524: this is why we invited the former fiefs to which the Grimaldis are linked by Charles V. Twelve years after the Treaty of Burgos and the Declaration of Tordesillas, Charles V kept his promise and, to maintain friendship, granted the new lord of Monaco, Honoré I, a certain number of fiefs in the kingdom of Naples, in Italy. South: Campagna, Monteverde, Ripacandida, Garagnone (today Spiazzola and Poggiorsini), Terlizzi and Canosa di Puglia.

And the other municipalities?

To maintain consistency in the historical narrative, particularly during the sound & light show, we summoned other strongholds linked to the 16th century. The Grimaldis were then governors of Ventimiglia (with Airole which became independent in the 19th century) but also of Penna, today Piène-Haute, a hamlet of Breil-sur-Roya. In 1947, during the rectification of the borders between France and Italy, after the Second World War, part remained in Italy. This is Olivetta San Michele.

Bathernay is a bit of a special case?

It is. It is the birthplace of a distant ancestor of the prince, Imbert de Batarnay, an important character of the end of the 15th and beginning of the 16th century, a diplomat of the kings of France, who carried out many missions at the time of the wars. of Italy. His granddaughter married Marshal de Matignon (Jacques II) and we know that the Matignons are the ancestors of the Prince through the alliance, in 1715, of the future sovereign princess Louise-Hippolyte and Jacques IV de Matignon.

Thomas Fouilleron, director of the Princely Palace Archives Photo Jean-François Ottonello.

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