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67% of French people trapped by AI without even realizing it

Generative artificial intelligence, more commonly referred to by the acronym AI, is now a central tool in both the professional and personal fields.

This phenomenon has been increasing since the introduction of technologies such as ChatGPT in November 2022. In this context, a recent study carried out by Magellan Partners in March and April 2024 highlights the significant trends and the prospects for development of this technology in France.

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Generative AI Usage Profiles and Trends

The study reveals that 67% of respondents use AI for personal gain, often without being fully aware of it. AI manifests itself, for example, in the recommendation systems of music streaming platforms, which adapt playlists to the listener’s preferences. On the professional plan, 92% of users of AI in business also use it personally. It is interesting to note that the adoption of this technology varies between generations: while 80% of Generation Z use it in their private sphere, 38% are reluctant to use it at work. Conversely, 79% of 55 to 65 year olds would like to be able to integrate it into their professional environment.

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Obstacles to the adoption of generative AI

Despite its growing adoption, several barriers remain. First, the lack of specific training constitutes a notable obstacle: 16% of those surveyed do not use AI due to lack of required skills and 57% would be more inclined to use it if training was available. On the other hand, the regulatory framework and financial resources significantly influence the integration of AI in business. 45% of respondents indicate that they are not allowed to use AI in their structure, and 33% do not use it due to personal beliefs, often linked to environmental concerns.

Impact of Generative AI in Business

The use of AI varies greatly depending on company size and industry. The public sector has an adoption rate of just 10%, while 75% of VSEs and SMEs resort to it. Among large companies, only 33% use generative AI. The typology of users shows that the majority are executives or liberal professionals.

The role of HR managers in the adoption of generative AI

Human resources departments play a crucial role in the deployment of AI in business. They are often the forerunners in the adoption of new technologies and must adopt an experimental and proactive approach. Generative AI, in fact, does not replace essential human skills such as empathy or creativity, but rather serves to increase employee capabilities and optimize processes.

Towards an ethical and responsible integration of AI

For a smooth transition to the integration of AI, it is essential to consider the ethical implications of its use. The goal should be to solve problems without creating new ones, thus ensuring a beneficial balance for all stakeholders.

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Generative AI is radically transforming work and life paradigms. The Magellan Partners study clearly demonstrates the growing reception and integration of this technology in France, while highlighting the significant challenges that remain. The success of its integration will largely depend on the ability of businesses and individuals to adapt, educate themselves and take a thoughtful approach to this powerful technology.

In summary :

  • Wide but variable adoption : 67% of French people use generative AI personally, while 92% of professionals also use it personally. Adoption varies by generation and professional setting, with particular resistance among Generation Z for use at work.
  • Significant obstacles : The main barriers to the use of generative AI include a lack of specific training (16% of non-users), regulatory and financial constraints in business, as well as environmental concerns (33%).
  • Sectoral and hierarchical disparities : The adoption rate of AI differs significantly between the public sector (10%) and VSE/SMEs (75%). Executives and senior managers are the main users in large companies.
  • Key role of HR : Human resources departments are key to facilitating the adoption of AI, taking an experimental approach and preparing employees to use this technology effectively without replacing essential human skills.
  • Ethical imperative and responsible integration : Successful integration of generative AI requires a thoughtful approach that considers ethical implications and aims to improve operations without creating new problems.

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