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House of Ninjas, the shadow fighters in general public mode

Six years after a mission against the enemy Fuma clan, and a disastrous end for one of the members of the family, the Tawara are experiencing a “retirement” from their work as shinobis – saying “ninja” is bad form, we are told- we. However, the return of these same Fuma will force them to return to service. With, as a result, a possible apocalypse. Nothing less!

In House of Ninjas, available since February this year on Netflix, the Tawara family, who are still mourning the death of their eldest son, Gaku, six years ago, will therefore be faced with a seemingly insoluble dilemma: trying to live their life, while knowing that the money will eventually no longer follow. Or put on the dark clothes again and bring out the katanas, risking death in the process. And for what, exactly? For a simple sense of duty?

Because being a shinobi and protecting the State also means not only accepting missions without really knowing why, it also means having to comply with a series of particularly strict rules. Like the ban on romantic relationships. Or even… eat meat.

Because yes, House of Ninjas gives into comedy, even into the absurd, or even into the cliché. Like this story of forced vegetarianism. Or this government agency called the Ninja Management Office, where a walking cliché of the socially inept young man works, who will also spend long minutes operating a projector and the equivalent of PowerPoint in the house of our heroes…

Or the Machiavellian plan of the big bad guys, which gives off a rather heady smell of reheated food.

But we can understand the idea behind the series: we have to reach the public. And offering something too niche, with considerations that are too specific, will scare viewers away. Fortunately, there are enough new things in House of Ninjas, to generate constant interest, including from this journalist. Well, we can see some twists and turns coming, but as a series of its kind, we’ve certainly seen worse.

Entertaining, action-packed, with a few clichés, but above all with enough suspense, all produced and shot in a very effective way, House of Ninjas is ideal for settling down in good company, enjoying a meal or a good drink, and leaving satisfied. To have.

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