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Chemist Majdi Hochlaf obtains the prestigious title of Doctor Honoris Causa

Q: Congratulations on receiving this honorary title. How did you feel when you heard this news?

Majdi Hochlaf: “When I received the email from the Dean of the Faculty of Science at the University of Gothenburg, I felt honored and extremely happy.”

Q: What makes your area of ​​research interesting?

MH: “I work on identifying new physicochemical processes at the microscopic level using first-principle methodologies. I collaborate closely with experimentalists. The interaction between theory and experiment is very beneficial to me.”

Q: What are the topics of your current research?

MH: “I am interested in the spectroscopy and dynamics of exotic molecular species, isolated or interacting with complex substrates and environments, particularly molecular ions. My research finds applications in the fields of atmosphere, astrophysics , biology and the environment.”

Q: What were the highlights of your collaboration with the University of Gothenburg?

MH: “In 2020-2021, I spent six months at the University of Gothenburg as Waernska Foundation Visiting Professor Chair (Sweden). During this stay, I collaborated closely with Prof. Raimund Feifel, in the Department of Physics, and Prof. Gunnar Nyman, in the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology, as well as with their doctoral students and post-docs. Back at my university, we continued our joint work. Our research focused on. state-to-state unimolecular decomposition processes of multicharged molecular ions, particularly the formation of abiotic oxygen during the double ionization of sulfur dioxide.”

Q: Is there anything else you would like to mention?

MH: “During my time at the University of Gothenburg, I also gave courses on molecular spectroscopy and theoretical chemistry to doctoral students and postdocs. I really appreciated the students’ interest in these scientific fields and we have continued to interact together on these topics ever since.”

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The promotion ceremony will take place on October 25, 2024.


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