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An immersion in the marine world at school

Tuesday May 28 was an exceptional day for the students of Gigean schools. Laurent Ballesta, the famous marine biologist and underwater photographer, after whom one of the schools is named, came to meet the young schoolchildren to share his passion for the oceans and marine life.

A commitment to meeting schoolchildren

“Since the laying of the first stone and the inauguration of the Laurent Ballesta school, I have committed to coming back at least once a year to meet the students, and this was the first! I have always felt particularly honored to have this school in my name, compared to other schools which bear the great names of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Haroun Tazieff, Paul Émile Victor…”he modestly clarified, and added: “I am lucky enough to be able to ensure a presence at the school that bears my name, so I’m sticking to it!”

An opportunity presented itself to Laurent Ballesta, contacted by the show In search of Junior images from the Lumni youth channel. “It’s a program in which a photographer is asked to submit to children a series of images that they must observe, describe, question… The photographer then meets the children to react to their remarks. I obviously have everything thought of the Gigean school.”

Beforehand, the students were also able to watch the film Mediterranean Planet (which retraces the photographer’s 28-day expedition to a depth of 120 m), prepare questions, and also describe a mystery photo in real time as part of the show. “It was a photo of the Etang de Thau, the students did not recognize it immediately, it was interesting to show them a vision of the Etang de Thau that they do not know.”

Despite everything, the biologist said he was pleasantly surprised by the relevance of their observations and their questions: “At a time when billions of photos are circulating, it is important to educate students to look at and question the mystery of the marine world which fascinates and inspires respect, more than on aesthetics.” The day continued with a question-and-answer session where the children were able to interact directly with the biologist who captivated his young audience with fascinating anecdotes.

Curious and enthusiastic, the children asked questions ranging from diving techniques to underwater living conditions, including their feelings: “The children were very surprised by the conditions of the expedition, especially the distance from my family.” Laurent Ballesta responded with kindness and education, encouraging students to pursue their dreams and explore the world around them: “The idea of ​​possibly giving rise to a few vocations is very pleasant!”

An appointment has been made for next year.

Correspondent Midi Libre: 06 79 84 32 74


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