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Mario is back, and it’s pretty successful

Early fans will not be disappointed.

Video games

Announced in 2023 and developed by the studio behind the original, Paper Mario and the Thousand-Year Door (Paper Mario TTYD) arrives on Nintendo Switch with a high-quality remake.

armin hadzikadunic/ jvmag

More “Entertainment”

A little history: this game is the direct sequel to the first Paper Mario released on Nintendo 64. Initially named Paper Mario 2, it got its final name when it was released on Nintendo GameCube. To this day, it is considered the best installment in the series.

After the release of Super Mario RPG on Super Nintendo, the Paper Mario series emerged to occupy the home console market, while the Mario & Luigi series was aimed at portable consoles.

A simple and classic story

During a trip to Port Lacanaïlle, Princess Peach discovers a treasure map indicating the location of “star gems” needed to open the legendary Millennium Gate. It is said that the latter contains innumerable riches, and that it will open to the one who brings together these famous “star gems”.

A successful aesthetic. Source: dr

At home, you receive a letter from Peach containing the famous map, inviting you to join her at Port Lacanaïlle to unravel the mystery of this treasure. But when you arrive, the princess has disappeared. This time, it’s not Bowser’s fault! Thus begins your quest for the star gems and the search for Peach.

Paper Mario and the Millennium Door – trailer

Video: youtube

A gateway to RPG

The cardboard universe is very fun.

The Paper Mario series offers a simplified version of classic role-playing games. No complex equipment management, only three types of attacks, and no skill tree. However, the game is well built around simple mechanics, while retaining a unique identity, offering an experience accessible to both neophytes and experts of the genre. And be careful, “simple” does not mean easy! The adventure lasts nearly 50 hours and offers challenges for the most daring.

Let’s Talk Remake

One question is on everyone’s lips: “what’s different compared to the GameCube version?” Not much, it’s a Remake after all, but this is where Intelligent Systems shows its talent. Graphically, we benefit from technological advances to improve textures and lights. The sets have been completely reworked to incorporate the “fake paper” techniques seen in Origami King. The animations and cutscenes have also been redesigned to better fit this cardboard universe.

All NPCs now have richer backs and animations in their expressions, as well as a distinct voice.

The music also benefited from notable work, the entire soundtrack having been re-recorded. Some additions to the game’s characters are noticeable. All NPCs now have richer backs and animations in their expressions, as well as a distinct voicemaking interactions more lively.

Beyond the graphic aspect, the content has also been revised. The studio corrected game and level design “errors” dating from the first version. For example, character switching now has a controller shortcut, and parts of the city’s basements have been redesigned because they were too labyrinthine and not fun. Some badges have also been fixed to improve their effects.

Additional content has also been added. Without revealing everything, the bestiary includes some new monsters and new badges are present. Collectors will be rewarded, as finding the star pieces and suns will unlock parts of a sound gallery and in-game design images.

So I take it?

Overall, it’s the same game but with a 2024 update bringing a breath of fresh air to this title which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. Paper Mario TTYD is a “Must Play” for the Gamecube and I am convinced that if you missed it in 2004, you will enjoy discovering it.

And for those who, like me, have eaten the original to the bone, I promise you that youou will find all the sensations of your memories of the game with a redesign work that does honor to this title. However, I emphasize the paucity of the new content, I would have liked them to offer more new badges, challenges, monsters or quests.

• Feelings like back then
• An impressive graphic overhaul
• Music that enhances the game
• Gameplay that hasn’t aged a bit
• A simple but effective story

• Additional content which remains too poor

Test context:
– Key offered by Nintendo
– Available on Nintendo Switch
– Not sponsored

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