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Maisons du Monde launches the “Netflix of decor”

« The program is built by and for the customers, to whom we have somehow left the keys, to find in particular the names and statuses in a hyper-personalization approach. », explains the brand director. Result: three statuses: liker, lover or addict. With three axes: providing privileges, going beyond transactional and responding to the challenges of customers on a daily basis. The program made it possible to respond to customer desires, but for the brand, it lacked a little something more: “A the end of Inspire Everyday, something out of the box was missing », notes Guillaume Lesouef. This something resulted in Maisons du Monde +, a Media project. “ We are going to create our own media, produced with the company Alchemin, announces the brand director. The dream is that of a Netflix of decoration. We wanted our customers to be on board, whatever the channel “. To do this, the company had material: “ We create a lot and we have a lot of content; we have 30 designers and create more than 3000 products per year “. The brand wanted programs around the home, the environment and design. The project responds to 3 building blocks: the notion of inspiration, accessibility and sustainability. “ We offer more than 50 hours of programs dedicated to our lovers and our addictsexpose Pierre Barbe, Maisons du monde communications director. NWe are the first to release this type of proposal, which Guillaume calls the “Netflix of decor ».

The hours are divided between several themes. “ There are of course collections, seasonal, or Christmas, but also interventions and collaborations, with Géraldine Florin, the artistic director, or Miss Agnès, for example, quotes the communications manager, who emphasizes that with 80 architects bringing 40,000 projects, there will be no shortage of material. “ The topics covered will touch on decor and renovation, among them: how to arrange a cozy room, optimize a studio, but also how to renovate a wall or paint a decor ». « 75% of content comes from Maisons du monde, 25% is external content, comments Guillaume Lesouef, which notes that this content and other customer benefits are intended to leave : “ We are launching the loyalty program in France, but the goal is to deploy it internationally*.”

*The brand has 7 million customers worldwide, including 4.5 million in France.


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