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The Nintendo Switch 2 is still not revealed, but we already have the name of one of the new video games in its catalog: it would be accompanied by a surprise

Game news The Nintendo Switch 2 is still not revealed, but we already have the name of one of the new video games in its catalog: it would be accompanied by a surprise

Published on 05/23/2024 at 07:55

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The Kingdom Hearts saga is undoubtedly one of the most popular in video games and it has yet to deliver a fourth numbered episode. This would be planned for the new Nintendo console, according to a leaker.

Kingdom Hearts 4 on the Switch 2?

Expected like the Messiah, Kingdom Hearts III was ultimately not the last episode of Square Enix’s illustrious saga : it’s now two years since Kingdom Hearts IV was announced through a first trailer, opting for a particularly… realistic rendering. This new episode will begin a whole new arc and suffice to say that impatience is in order. The mystery too, since we really don’t know much about it.

While waiting for more news – moreover, some are patient in their own way – the leaker Midori, particularly well-known in the sector, indulged in some interesting statements. As usual, they have no official character and caution is therefore required.

According to herKingdom Hearts 4 will therefore be released on… the next Nintendo console (still not concretely revealed). So be careful, we’re not talking about exclusivity here. Another interesting detail: it’s literally the entire saga that would be offered on the “Switch 2” at the same time.

Finally a real version?

The traditional Switch had already welcomed Kingdom Hearts, yes, but only through a Cloud version perfectly criticized by players. As saying that the community is campaigning hard for a new version, running natively on the next Nintendo machine : Midori has not confirmed it, but hopes are high.

The leaker also took the opportunity to assert that Kingdom Hearts 4 will feature “minimal” online features. A priori, we are therefore not talking about a real multiplayer or cooperation mode, but rather a lighter aspect. A scoreboard, perhaps?

Finally, Midori says loud and clear that the game would ultimately be “very different” from what we saw in the initial trailer (to watch in our video player at the start of the article), but also that the Kingdom Hearts franchise will arrive in… Fortnite. A rather likely collaboration when we know that Disney and Epic Games have joined forces (a juicy deal of $1.5 billion, no less) for an unprecedented exchange of visibility within the battle royale. In short, patience.


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