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Windows 7 ESU at the end of its journey: Latest security update released

October 2024 marks a turning point in the history of Windows 7. After 15 years of loyal service, Microsoft releases the latest security update for the popular operating system. Hotfixes KB5044356 and KB5044321 mark the end of the third and final year of the Extended Security Update (ESU) program for Windows 7. For many users and businesses still relying on Windows 7, the final countdown to migrate to a newer operating system starts now. But what exactly does the end of Extended Security Updates mean for remaining Windows 7 users? Microsoft emphasizes that the ESU program was never intended as a long-term solution. As the Redmond company explains, it served as a “temporary bridge to stay secure while migrating to a newer supported platform.” The program provided critical and important security updates for a period of up to three years after the product officially ended support.

The final update contains no known issues. Microsoft only talks about “various security enhancements” to the internal features of the operating system. This highlights the purely maintenance nature of this latest update. There is, however, a glimmer of hope for Windows 7 nostalgics and die-hards: thanks to unofficial methods such as “BypassESU v12” or the “Win7 WU ESU Patcher”, tech-savvy users can still install this latest update. up to date. However, it should be noted that these workarounds are not supported by Microsoft and may pose potential security risks. With the end of the ESU program for Windows 7, an important chapter in the history of the PC closes. The operating system, released in 2009, enjoyed great popularity and was considered a worthy successor to the long-used Windows XP. Many users appreciated the stability and ease of use of Windows 7, which often delayed migration to newer versions.

Pressure for businesses to act grows
For businesses and organizations that still rely on Windows 7 for various reasons, the pressure to act will now increase significantly. Without additional security updates, the risk of cyberattacks and data breaches increases. Therefore, IT experts strongly recommend rapid migration to current and supported operating systems.


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