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TECHNOTRANS 2024: Oleo100 will celebrate its 5th anniversary there

Oleo100 will celebrate its 5th anniversary next week at the Technotrans 2024 show in (44). The opportunity to talk about biofuel 100% from rapeseed grown in . From field to wheel, Oleo100 allows a reduction of at least 60% in CO2 emissions and up to 80% in particle emissions.

“The Technotrans show is a unique opportunity to show how Oleo100 can help reduce the carbon footprint of the road freight transport sector, while strengthening the local agricultural economy. », explains Marc Vandecandelaere, TRM Oleo100 sales director.

In 2023, nearly 10% of new trucks registered in France were equipped to operate on B100, including 40 to 60% with exclusive B100, an engine eligible for the Crit’air 1 sticker giving access to ZFEs. This growing adoption illustrates the major impact of Oleo100 in the transport decarbonization energy mix.

Nantes and its region play a central role in the adoption of biofuel, with several customers already engaged in this approach. More than 100 Oleo100 tanks, dedicated and connected, are present in the " rel="tag">Pays de la Loire region, allowing optimal management of supplies for customers.

In addition, the Nantes region benefits from its proximity to the Centre-Val de Loire, the main rapeseed producing region in France, with 275,000 hectares harvested in 2024 out of a national total of 1.33 million hectares.

Although the year 2024 saw a 6% drop in national rapeseed production, due to bad weather, this crop is doing relatively well, while unfortunately other agricultural sectors are affected more severely: the harvest of Wheat is among the lowest in the last 40 years, with volume down almost 24% compared to the average of the last five years.

This favorable result for rapeseed has encouraged French farmers to preserve recently sown areas, which will be harvested in the summer of 2025. This outlook is promising for the next campaigns, as well as for all uses of rapeseed: animal food, thanks to protein-rich meals, human food, with refined oils, without forgetting renewable energies.

(with press release Oleo100)

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