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75% of under 13s present

The ninth edition of the Born Social study reveals crucial data on the use of social networks by those under 13. Whatsapp, YouTube and video games dominate their digital habits. Conducted by the heaven agency and the Génération Numérique association, this survey explores the behaviors of a very young connected generation, despite official age restrictions.

A hyperconnected generation despite restrictions

The Born Social 2024 study shows that those under 13 are far from being absent from social networks. Despite the rules which impose a minimum age of 13 yearsthey now represent 75% of active users of at least one social application, an increase compared to the previous year (71%). This trend reveals that young children, often invisible to official statistics, have integrated these platforms as essential places of communication. Among the most used platforms, WhatsApp stands out. She was able to capture the attention of younger people with options like stories and statuses, borrowed from other social networks. This messaging, now cross-generational, becomes a great way to stay in touch with their friends.

In parallel, online video games transform into real spaces for socialization. Nearly 63% of preteens spend time on games such as Roblox to interact with their peers. This usage highlights the evolution of video games, which are no longer perceived solely as solitary entertainment, but as places of virtual gathering.

A critical perception of parents and low use of AI

Another interesting aspect of the study concerns children’s perceptions of their parents. 28% of young people questioned believe that their parents spend too much time on their phones, a figure up 7 points compared to 2023. This observation reverses the usual roles and suggests an awareness among these younger generations. Artificial intelligencealthough discussed in the media and often integrated into digital tools, is still little adopted by those under 13. Despite strong exposure to this technology, its use remains limited, which contrasts with other innovations such as geolocationadopted by 60% of children, compared to 34% in 2020.

The Born Social 2024 study highlights significant trends in the use of social networks by those under 13. With well-established habits despite age restrictions, these young users are already shaping the future of digital. The results of this survey are essential to understand their expectations and their relationship with social platforms.

Article based on a press release received by the editorial staff.

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