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The first selections for the First French and Foreign Novel Prizes 2024

The jury for the First French Novel and First Foreign Novel prizes met at La Coupole to designate a first selection of titles. Among the selected authors we can point out that Laura Gauthier appears in the selections for the December and Medici prizes for Melusine reloaded (of the heart) Clement Ribes is in the running for the Medici Prize with A thousand images of Jérémie (Vertical).

First selection for the 2024 first French novel prize

Charlotte Augusta, The interior works (Denoël)
Youness Bousenna, Imperfect presences (Shore)
Sébastien Dulude, Asbestos (The People)
Laura Gauthier, Melusine reloaded (Corti)
Stéphane Giusti, The Red Jew (Seghers)
Arnaud Guigue, I am the one you are looking for (The Arenas)
Manon Jouniaux, Breakaways (Grasset)
Justin Morin, We are no longer normal people (The book factory)
Clement Ribes, A thousand images of Jérémie (Vertical)
Benjamin Stock, Marc (Rue Fromentin)

First selection for the first foreign novel prize 2024

Claudia Crawens, the Freedwoman (Stopovers)
Michael Magee, Return to Belfast (Albin Michel)
Elizabeth O’Connor, On the island (JC Lattes)
Greta Oliva, The Color Black Does Not Exist (Phoebus)
Sang Young Park, Loving Each Other in the Big City (The Crossroads)

The jury, chaired by Charles Danzigconsists ofAnnick Geille, Pauline Dreyfus, Jean-Claude Lamy, Gilles Pudlowski, Jean-Pierre Tison et Maud Ventura. Future winners will succeed Alain Pacadisof Charles Salles (La Table Ronde) for the French novel, and The new lifeof Tom Crewe (Christian Bourgois) for the foreign novel.


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