DayFR Euro

A direct collaboration between Valve and Arch Linux

Arch Linux announces direct collaboration with Valve. The publisher will support two critical projects that will have a major impact on the GNU/Linux distribution, a build service infrastructure and a secure signing enclave.

« E“supporting this work on an independent basis, Valve allows us to carry it out without being limited solely by the free time of our volunteers,” explains Levente Polyak (Arch Linux Project Leader & Security Team) sur la liste de diffusion d’Arch Linux.

This collaboration should enable the retailer to address some of its biggest challenges and accelerate progress that would otherwise take much longer to achieve. Of the RFC (Requests for Comments) will be created for any large-scale change.

« We believe this collaboration will greatly benefit Arch Linux and look forward to sharing new developments on this mailing list as work progresses.t,” adds Levente Polyak.

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