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Accessories maker announces Switch 2 release date and price

A good rumor to start the weekend.

The rumors/information seem to be intensifying in recent weeks. And it doesn’t look like it’s going to stop any time soon, as today brings us a new wave of speculation. This time, the supposed information comes from Vandal, who interviewed Rubén Mercado, CEO of the company Blade, which specializes in gaming accessories and peripherals. For some unknown reason, Mercado happily shared details about Nintendo’s upcoming console.

Again, it’s important not to take this information as confirmed, as nothing is official until Nintendo announces it. Additionally, this information is based on Mercado’s alleged interactions with other manufacturers.

That being said, here are the elements shared:

  • Mercado had access to a near-final version of the material
  • The launch of the new console is planned for March or April 2025
  • The new Joy-Cons will be magnetic, with a locking system to secure them
  • The Joy-Con joysticks will be very different from those of the current model
  • Nintendo plans simultaneous global launch
  • The price could be between €400 and €500

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