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42 Tesla: China breaks new record by creating the most powerful resistive magnet in the world

Four years… that’s the time it took researchers at the Hefei Institute of Physical Sciences (CHMFL), in China, to break the record for the highest magnetic field in the world. Four years needed to develop a 42 Tesla resistive magnet, announces the headquarters of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in a press release published on September 22, 2024.

By innovating the structure of their magnet and optimizing its manufacturing process, Chinese engineers managed to create a stable magnetic field of 42 Tesla, operating with a power supply of 32.3 megawatts. Forty-two Tesla is colossal: it’s the equivalent of 43,000 horsepower for this Chinese monster, Interesting Engineering calculates.

In doing so, they surpassed the latest record of 41.4 Tesla, previously held by the US National High Magnetic Laboratory (or MagLab) since a previous attractive feat dating back to 2017.

How China is reshaping the world

42 Tesla for the Chinese magnet: world record broken

More than a new record, this creation constitutes a step in the development of resistive magnets. “Resistive magnets are the first high-field magnets used by scientists, with flexible and rapid control of the magnetic field. To this day, they can still generate magnetic fields much higher than those of superconducting magnets”specifies the press release.

This new generation magnet therefore constitutes a real opportunity for China to make major scientific discoveries. “For decades, scientists around the world have made important discoveries under intense magnetic fields, with more than ten of these scientific achievements awarded Nobel Prizerejoices the headquarters of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


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