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FOR OR AGAINST space tourism?

This jump into space by a “non-astronaut” is a first in history. But she won’t be the last. Space tourism is growing in popularity…and not everyone likes it. Here are the different arguments!

The arguments FOR

More money and more jobs

Exploring space is very expensive. The interest of wealthy people in this science is good news. That means more money for building shuttles, equipment and missions, for example. These trips could also be used to conduct experiments. And if space tourism continues to develop, it will also create a lot of jobs.

Could help science

We are always amazed when we see astronauts in weightlessness or the Earth seen from space. The more space tourism there is, the more we will see these dreamlike images. And, above all, the more accessible the space will seem. This can attract young people to science.

Can raise awareness

Scientists hope that these adventures of the ultra-rich in space will make them realize how fragile the Earth is. These trips could be the trigger that pushes them and their billionaire friends to invest a lot of money in saving our planet.

Arguments AGAINST

It pollutes!

It is estimated that a trip to space is up to 100 times more polluting than a Montreal- flight. In addition, it is estimated that there are more than 130 million pieces of debris orbiting the Earth, such as pieces of rockets or satellites. Each launch generates debris.

Doesn’t really advance space exploration

It is robots and artificial intelligence that will advance space exploration. A small remote-controlled robot like Perseverance, which has been exploring the planet Mars with its 29 cameras since 2021, is much more efficient than a human.

Reserved for the ultra-rich

Basically, these expeditions are a privilege of ultra-rich people. Even if there is more and more space tourism, it will never become accessible to the entire population. And that’s not where the rich and powerful should be putting their energy.


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