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iPhone could soon automatically crop videos

During his lifetime, legendary co-founder Steve Jobs always took a special interest in the iPhone camera. His ambition was such that he wanted his iPhones to capture images comparable to those taken with a digital SLR camera. This is what Adam Lashinsky reported in his book “Inside Apple” published in 2012. With the latest iPhone 15 Pro, the Apple firm is touching on this objective, while at the same time focusing on video.

Apple is also adopting the same philosophy for video, as the iPhone is now capable of shooting professional-quality short films. Takashi Mike, one of the greatest film directors in Japan, even claims to have “felt that the iPhone had the power to do things that a traditional camera couldn’t do. » He is the director of the mini-film Midnight, made on the iPhone 15 Pro.

The quality of videos that the iPhone is capable of recording is one thing, but succeeding at one is another. Apple therefore devotes a large part of its work to providing easy handling, in order to allow any user to make a successful video.

In an interview with PetaPixel, Apple executives confirm this vision: “For the vast majority of our customers, our goal is to simply process everything in the background so that the process is invisible and out of reach so people can take stunning photos and videos and capture beautiful, lifelike moments all in one go. click.”

The Apple firm continues in this direction in 2024, since it has just published a patent concerning a new functionality.

Summary of Apple’s patent

© Apple – Illustration from the patent

As reported by Apple World, the patent mentions:

Amateur users often capture video content without considering composition, framing, or camera movement, resulting in video content that may be shocking or confusing to viewers.

To overcome this problem, iPhone and iPad could soon offer a process for automatically cropping video content filmed with the iPhone, for better presentation on a screen. – Official app

By: Keleops AG


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