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YouTube continues to expand ads on paused videos

YouTube has confirmed that advertisers can target their ads to paused video screens. The video giant said it saw “a strong response from advertisers and viewers” ​​during the test phase (starting in 2023), and has “widely rolled out pause ads to all advertisers.” Those were the words of YouTube’s head of communications, Oluwa Falodun, after more and more users on Reddit shared photos of the ads on their smart TVs. Technically, indeed, YouTube started showing ads during pauses in 2023, but only with a limited selection of advertisers, and then in April, Google’s chief business officer, Philipp Schindler, revealed the great success of the initiative, both with ad agencies and for Google’s coffers. YouTube says that ads during pauses are actually designed to allow the company to offer a “less interrupted” experience, but it’s unclear whether that means it will reduce ads during playback. YouTube is certainly not the only one to introduce such a model: in the United States, Hulu and AT&T, like Sling TV, offer ads during breaks. We still don’t know if and when they will come to us, but we fear that it is only a matter of time given the enthusiasm.


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