DayFR Euro

Apple: two interoperability procedures initiated by the EU

The European Commission announced on Thursday that it has initiated two procedures aimed at helping Apple comply with the interoperability obligations that Brussels requires of it under the Digital Markets Act (DMA).

In a statement, the European executive explains that the American technology giant will have to provide ‘free and efficient’ interoperability to third-party developers and companies by opening up to them the hardware and software functionalities controlled by Apple’s iOS and iPadOS operating systems.

The latter have in fact been designated as ‘access controllers’ in application of the DMA regulation.

The Commission explains that these procedures formalise the dialogue initiated with Apple, which allows it to adopt a decision specifying the measures that an access controller must implement in order to ensure compliance with its obligations under the DMA.

“This is the first time that we are using specification procedures under the DMA to guide Apple towards effective compliance with its interoperability obligations, through a constructive dialogue,” said Margrethe Vestager, the Commission’s Executive Vice-President in charge of competition policy.

“We are committed to ensuring fairness and openness in digital markets,” she added.

‘Effective interoperability, for example with smartphones and their operating systems, plays an important role in this,’ she explains.

The European Commissioner says she will ensure that the proposed measures work in practice and meet the needs of businesses.

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