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This invasive species could try to come into your home this fall

Published on September 18, 2024 at 3:43 p.m.

With the arrival of cooler temperatures, several undesirables are tempted to enter your home. Among them, the brown marmorated stink bug is a guest that no one wants…

The brown marmorated stink bug, or brown marmorated stink bug, is an invasive species introduced to the continent in the 1990s. About 2 cm long, it is brownish in colour and has long antennae.

A fruit and vegetable feeder, it is known to cause significant damage to orchards and crops. In fact, it feasts on nearly a hundred different plants.

With the coming of winter, she might be tempted to enter your home in her thousands.

It is harmless to humans: it does not sting, bite or burn. However, it tends to give off a foul odor when it feels threatened. If a large number of bedbugs enter your home when the colder weather arrives, it could quickly become nauseating.

The bug is quite agile and can move around in logs or vehicles, for example.

Here are some possible solutions to limit its spread:
  • Sealing Cracks in the Foundation

  • Sealing doors and windows

  • Check the garden hose for leaks

  • Make sure food is in airtight containers

Source: Government of British Columbia

SEE ALSO: This invasive plant is problematic in Quebec


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