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“A year with Sapiens”, by Nicolas Teyssandier

Nicolas Teyssandier is a prehistorian, CNRS researcher, specialist in cut stone equipment and the emergence of Homo sapiens. He published Nos premières fois (2020) with La Ville Brule and co-wrote Origins of Humanity: New Scenarios (2016) and Variations on the History of Humanity (2018).

A year with Sapiens

The synopsis of Nicolas Teyssandier’s latest book

An innovative format that combines scientific rigor and reading pleasure

In this youth documentary which takes the form of an immersive scientific novel, the prehistorian Nicolas Teyssandier shares with us the life of a group of Sapiens living in the current territory of the Dordogne in the Upper Paleolithic, 35,000 years ago.

A documentary novel: everything is invented, but nothing is false! Everything is based on the current state of research in prehistory. A dialogue is established between the researcher and the readers, to better understand how science reconstructs life in prehistory, and to deconstruct the clichés about the first humans, who they were, how they lived, etc.

Immersive to allow young readers to put themselves in the shoes of the characters in the book and get a very accurate idea of ​​life in prehistory. Throughout the seasons, readers are invited to follow this group of Sapiens closely, to share their lives and activities and to discover their living conditions, their know-how, their beliefs, their rituals, and a thousand other fascinating details about the life of the first humans.

12 illustrations complete the story.


“A year with Sapiens”by Nicolas Teyssandier, was published by La ville brûle.

Cover A Year with Sapiens
© Editions The city is burning

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