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Find out how to boost visits to your website using artificial intelligence!

If you’re involved in SEO, you’ve probably noticed that it’s a tough job. Google’s rules change from time to time, competitors can emerge, and what worked yesterday may not be as effective today.

Semrush, one of the leading companies dedicated to analyzing website performance — it appeared as early as 2008 — looked into the question of being able to optimize such an operation. The result was a tool imbued with artificial intelligence: Semrush Copilot. The idea: to be able to provide you with a series of recommendations updated day after day at any time!

For this, Semrush Copilot accesses vast amounts of SEO data: keyword trends, site performance metrics, competitor analysis… The algorithms developed for Semrush Copilot are able to detect trends, generate reviews and recommendations on a daily basis.

How to get professional software for free every day?

Semrush copilot

There is a free version of Semrush Copilot available, and we’ll take a look at it here. However, if you’re responsible for SEO for a specific site, you’ll likely want to upgrade to a paid plan, as as we’ll see, this tool offers highly accurate analysis and reviews.

Here are some of the services it can provide:

  • daily alerts and suggestions;
  • traffic analysis;
  • identification of any problems that could slow down the site;
  • determination of situations to be dealt with as a priority;
  • detection of new opportunities;
  • discovering keywords that could attract more visitors;
  • competition monitoring;
  • identification of poor quality backlinks that could harm the site’s reputation;
  • identification of broken links or pages of the site that are not functioning correctly,
  • etc.

Sign up for Semrush Copilot

To sign up for Semrush Copilot, go to

Click Create a free account, then enter an email or your address GoogleGoogle to go faster. Answer a few questions. You arrive at a page titled Start optimizing your online presence. Enter your website address. Then click Get Started.

From there, Semrush Copilot performs an in-depth analysis of the site.

Keywords that are losing impact

Following this analysis, Semrush Copilot gives you its first recommendations by pointing out three major keywords on your site that tend to be downgraded… You will therefore need to correct these points as a priority by developing the corresponding pages. You can click on Organic Search for more details.

Interesting point: if you re-run the analysis tomorrow after fixing these pages, you will notice that Semrush Copilot is now pointing to new pages.

Keywords to exploit

You can go through Semrush Copilot’s suggestions one by one. So, a little further down, it indicates keywords that could be used to increase the number of visits.

Site audit

One of the sections doordoor the name Site Audit. There is the possibility to explore 140 potential technical issues. So this audit is worth running. You can analyze 100 pages of your site with the free version. Once the audit is done, click on the address of your site to view the audit.

Semrush Copilot detects a number of errors and notes a number of notices and warnings. You will need to follow these options and correct what needs to be corrected. Let’s see how to do it.

Below you get several ratings relating to the health of the site and you will need to make sure to increase them day after day.

A little further down, the audit offers a Main Issues section. You have to click on See details to see the offending pages. Each time, Semrush Copilot provides explanations and specifies what needs to be done to correct the problem.

Of course, once these points are corrected, remember to launch Google Search Console so that this tool revisits each of the updated pages. Over the weeks, you should see an improvement in traffic to your pages.


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