I have to make a confession: I love watching television series, and perhaps like many of you, I sometimes binge-watch episodes of a particularly captivating production. That said, I cannot escape the question of the legitimacy of these moments spent on the sofa at the end of the evening. In order to reflect on the phenomenon without feeling guilty, let’s take a closer look at what fascinates us so much in these series… to the point, sometimes, of making us addicted.
Judging by the people around me, I’m not alone in being passionate about the fate of the characters in these series. Since the arrival of television in our lives, these productions have fascinated us. But today, several factors have intensified this enthusiasm: whether we think of the proliferation of digital platforms, the diversity of content available in several languages, or instant access to all these productions.
By offering us privileged access to the trajectories of a host of characters, TV series immerse us in fictional lives which are sometimes radically different from our reality, or which share several similarities with it. If this psychological identification is comparable to that which one can experience when watching a film, the television series is distinguished here by its duration.
After all, the many episodes are so many special moments shared in the company of our favorite heroes… or our best enemies. We can then learn to discover, know and better understand these protagonists, and sometimes even see them evolve over the seasons. Their great and small miseries, their adventures, these are all ways of continuing to experience them by proxy.
Moreover, we can sometimes have the impression that the characters in our favorite series are “part of the family”, or even “furniture”, and even more so when the series are spread over a long period of time. How then can we be surprised by the shock and sadness that many viewers feel when the creators of a successful production decide to put an end to it? The emotion expressed is that of people having the real feeling that one or more loved ones will no longer be part of their daily life.
An accessible pleasure… and tempting
TV series also offer us a possibility of escape and the opportunity to experience intense emotions, all within reach, and with little effort: the imagination, passive, lets itself be carried away by the images.
The experience actually turns out to be less demanding than other activities, such as reading for example. Unlike novels, we do not have to imagine a universe between the lines: in series, it comes to us simply through our screens. Same thing for the characters, which each reader must visualize in their own way when reading a book, whereas the television series offers us an already constructed and determined image. In addition, each episode allows us to easily immerse ourselves in the past or in the future, in brighter or darker periods of our history, or even in fantastic universes.
These television appointments are particularly tempting invitations, especially since we can experience them in the comfort of our own home (which is, let’s face it, a significant advantage in winter). Especially since after a hard day of work, this break is often well deserved, allowing our worries to take a break… at least, for the duration of an episode.
-A passion or an addiction?
Some observers consider our era to be a true golden age of TV series, both in quality and quantity. But if there is abundance in this immense all-you-can-eat television buffet, excessive consumption is not necessarily desirable.
Do you find your nose glued to your screens later and later? Do you neglect your loved ones or put aside physical activity so as not to miss any of your favorite series? These are all signs that should alert you.
Excessive binge-watching of TV series can indeed have harmful effects. Additionally, exposure to blue light from screens, especially before bed, can increase the risk of insomnia and decrease sleep quality.
Additionally, excessive consumption can encourage procrastination, providing an escape that allows you to postpone certain projects or responsibilities. Finally, such “binge-watching” can contribute to social isolation, with some individuals preferring to immerse themselves in fictional worlds rather than cultivating meaningful relationships.
A question of balance
In conclusion, it is essential to know how to distinguish a simple hobby from an addiction. TV series can be an enjoyable pastime, a means of relaxation, or even a passion.
On the other hand, dependence notably affects social and professional life, interpersonal relationships, as well as health. This is why, when it comes to TV series as elsewhere, moderation tastes much better.