The Order of masseurs-physiotherapists mobilized against the limitation of care in EHPADs – Order of masseurs-physiotherapists

The Order of masseurs-physiotherapists mobilized against the limitation of care in EHPADs – Order of masseurs-physiotherapists
The Order of masseurs-physiotherapists mobilized against the limitation of care in EHPADs – Order of masseurs-physiotherapists

Before the summer, Pascale MATHIEU, president of the National Council of the Order of Masseurs-Physiotherapists (CNOMK), was alerted by reports concerning limitations in physiotherapy care within certain accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people ( EHPAD) in global allocation. Faced with this situation, the Order reacted immediately.

The president seized Fadila KHATTABI, Minister Delegate for Elderly and Disabled Peopleas well as the rights defender. Representatives of certain EHPAD federations were also contacted.

In the weeks and months that followed, the Order conducted two investigations:

  • A first, with the departmental councils of the Order, in order to collect local reports,
  • A second, with physiotherapists, relayed by the presidents of the departmental councils.

The ministers were informed of the first returns and the results of these two investigations were communicated to the rights defender, as well as to the presidents of the social affairs committees of the National Assembly and the Senate, and to the High Authority of Health (HAS). The conclusions of the two surveys confirm a worrying situation.

Restrictions that endanger the health of residents

It clearly appears that some EHPADs are making the decision to limit the care provided by physiotherapists. These limitations are explained by internal decisions, budgetary constraints linked to the overall allocation and sometimes by pressure exerted on doctors to limit, or even interrupt, physiotherapy care.

While the role of physiotherapists is essential for maintaining the mobility, autonomy and quality of life of older people, any restriction on their intervention raises major concerns. Testimonies received indicate replacement of physiotherapists by less qualified workers for patients with pathologies requiring physiotherapy care. Such a substitution cannot meet the health needs of residents.

Constant mobilization of the Order

The first results of the surveys made it possible to document this reality and raise awareness among public authorities and stakeholders of the urgency of the situation.

Pascale MATHIEU, president of the National Council of the order of masseurs-physiotherapists, declares:

“Physiotherapists play an essential role with residents in EHPADs. Their expertise helps preserve mobility and independence for as long as possible and improve the quality of life of elderly people. Their presence with patients is a necessity that must not be ignored. Old age and dependency should not be an obstacle to quality care. »



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