A major national cause of 2025, mental health was the subject of a round table this Thursday afternoon during the third edition of “Demain Le Sport”, organized by The TeamFrance Info and France Télévisions at the Maison de la Radio et de la Musique. Former professional cyclist from 2008 to 2020, now a consultant for France Télévisions, Yoann Offredo confided that he went through a heavy phase of depression after his career… from which he emerged through sport: “I had a sudden break with sport at the end of my career, I stopped everything and my body changed, I gained weight and I no longer had adrenaline, endorphins.. . I've been getting back into it recently. I realized that I needed to regain self-confidence, not to think of myself as too fat, not to think of myself as too ugly. I needed to go on bike rides with friends because we say a lot to each other, it's a bit like psychotherapy. In fact, I realized that sport is more than sport…”