Sony admits, PS5 players have become demanding: they want games to run at 60 FPS and have Ray Tracing

Sony admits, PS5 players have become demanding: they want games to run at 60 FPS and have Ray Tracing
Sony admits, PS5 players have become demanding: they want games to run at 60 FPS and have Ray Tracing

While PS5 players have become much more demanding than before, demanding both ray tracing and 60 fps on new games, developers have reportedly quickly adapted to meet these new expectations.

The PlayStation 5 era marks a significant turning point in gamer expectations. Mark Cerny, the chief architect of the PS5, recently highlighted this evolution of priorities within the gaming community.

Mark Cerny: an emblematic figure of Sony

A true legend at Sony, Mark Cerny is one of the rare employees to have participated in the development of all generations of PlayStation. His role was crucial in the design of the PS4 and PS5, overseeing various aspects ranging from hardware to graphics power to controller design.

His opinion is therefore particularly relevant when it comes to assessing current trends in the video game market.

In an interview given to the site Games IndustryCerny expressed surprise at the growing emphasis on game performance, particularly in terms of frame rate per second (fps) and of Ray Tracing :

I was very surprised by the extent of the use of Ray Tracing by developers. Deciding to integrate it was a big decision, and I thought it wouldn’t be used much at first. But instead we got launch titles that were already taking advantage of it. Having worked on difficult to master consoles like the PlayStation 3, I am sometimes reluctant to adopt advanced technologies. But in this case, I was wrong and I’m excited to see the early adoption of this technology.

The other surprise was the insistence on 60 fps. I expected to see a lot more games at 30 fps, as this allows for more detailed graphics. Instead, the almost universal rule this time around is that games run at 60 frames per second.

According to Cerny, the emphasis on 60 fps therefore represents “ a radical change from previous generations “.

Historically, video game developers primarily focused on improving graphics. However, with the PS5, players now prioritize the fluidity of gameplay. The transition from 30 to 60 fps significantly improves the gaming experience, making animations smoother and characters more responsive.

This development is particularly beneficial for fast-paced action games and competitive multiplayer titles, where every millisecond counts.

Along with 60 fps, Ray Tracing has become a major requirement for PS5 players. This graphics rendering technology realistically simulates light and shadow effects, providing more immersive and detailed visuals. The addition of the latter on the PS5 demonstrates Sony’s commitment to providing high-quality gaming experiences.

Revolution among developers: 60 fps and Ray Tracing at the top of the priorities

But the rise of 60 fps as well as Ray Tracing demonstrates a change in philosophy among developers.

As Cerny explains, developers are now focusing more on in-game feel rather than on graphical improvement at all costs. Although graphics quality remains important, it is no longer the top priority. Ultimately, this rather balanced approach allows us to offer games that are not only visually impressive, but also enjoyable to play..

Cerny emphasizes that this reorientation of priorities was faster than he had expected. Players, who have become more demanding, now expect optimal performance from their consoles. This demand for games running at 60 fps with Ray Tracing enabled pushes developers to push the boundaries of technology and constantly innovate.

Players on Sony’s latest console, increasingly demanding, are shaping market trends by favoring 60 fps and Ray Tracing, thus guiding developers towards ever higher quality standards.

Under the leadership of experts like Mark Cerny, Sony continues to meet these growing expectations, promising a bright future for console gaming.

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