these 3 ads tout the power of Apple’s computer

What could be better than three humorous advertising clips to promote Macs. This is precisely what Apple has just done, which notably praises the generous battery life of the Cupertino company’s computer.

Ads that work

In a video, we can see a teacher expressing concern to one of his students: “First class of the day and no charger? You are playing a dangerous game…” Calmly, the latter explains to him that his battery will last the whole day.

In a second video format, another student is approached by a woman who tells him that he is taking big risks by storing huge files on his computer. If he thinks the machine won’t break down, he’s screwing himself. The latter ends up reassuring her: he uses a Mac which works very well.

Mac | Found | Apple

Finally, in the third ad, a student goes looking for her laptop. A mysterious elderly man then tells him: “Yeah, computers have a funny way of disappearing around here…” Except that the student then uses Find My to locate her device, while the other character continues her story in vain.

When an Apple ad causes controversy

If these advertisements are successful on the part of the Apple brand, the Tech giant recently had to face a controversy with an advertisement for the latest iPad Pro. We see a scene where musical instruments, books and other objects linked to creativity are destroyed by a gigantic press. Only Apple’s device resists. An image very little appreciated by the public who have interpreted, rightly or wrongly, that the iPad Pro can replace any other form of material creation.



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