The NVIDIA RTX 5090 adopts the “cinder block” design of the abandoned RTX 4090 Ti

The arrival of the NVIDIA RTX 5090 Founders Edition is getting ready. This extraordinary graphics card, characterized by a “cinder block” design and a new architecture, promises tenfold performance compared to the current generation.

RTX 5090 © Concept by Chase Baker

The next generation of high-end graphics cards from NVIDIA is being revealed in small steps. According to recent information, the GeForce RTX 5090 Founders Edition, expected at the end of 2024, could adopt a design nicely called “cinder block” (in reference to its resemblance to this construction material). This concept, initially planned for the ultimately canceled RTX 4090 Ti, arouses curiosity.

Unveiling the design of the NVIDIA RTX 5090 Founders Edition, heir to the RTX 4090 Ti

The RTX 5090 stands out with its unique design. It adopts a quadruple slot format and positions its main printed circuit parallel to the motherboard. The massive cooling system attaches perpendicularly, encompassing the GPU, memory, and VRM (voltage regulator module).

To optimize component distribution, NVIDIA uses additional printed circuits. One manages the video outputs (DisplayPort and HDMI), while another is dedicated to the PCIe interface for communication with the motherboard. A fourth element, the 12V power supply with dual 6-pin connector, sits cleverly on top of the cooling system.

Read: RTX 5090: 32 GB of VRAM and 75% more powerful than the RTX 4090, a monster approaching?

This bold architecture actually finds its origins in the RTX 4090 Ti, a project nipped in the bud by NVIDIA. According to kopite7kimi, a reliable Source of information on the Californian giant, the design of the RTX 4090 Ti was finalized, and its cooling system in the production phase. It is likely at this point that leaked images occurred.

Moreover, the cancellation of the RTX 4090 Ti is probably explained by the strategy of AMD, NVIDIA’s main competitor. The performance of the Radeon RX 7900 XTX, AMD’s high-end card, would not have required such a powerful response from NVIDIA. In the absence of sufficient competitive pressure, NVIDIA would therefore have decided to recycle the design of the RTX 4090 Ti for the RTX 5090.

This technical choice suggests a powerful card, but undoubtedly requiring a sophisticated cooling system to effectively dissipate heat. The thickness of four slots could also pose compatibility problems with certain PC cases. However, we will have to wait for official information to know its energy consumption and its price positioning.



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