Google Play Store doubles app price limit

Google Play Store doubles app price limit
Google Play Store doubles app price limit

The Google Play Store has just increased the price limit at which an app can be charged by 150%. More than double the previous limit.

Developers can now charge $999.99 for an app on the Google Play Store, compared to $400 previously. Some app designers should take advantage of this. This is one more reason to pay attention to subscription prices on the app store Android.

The maximum price of a Google Play Store app increases to $1000

Year after year, the Google Play Store gains in maturity and number of users. This represents a significant Source of income for the web giant which now charges 15% commission on sales, and 30% for application developers who exceed a million dollars in annual revenue. A lucrative business that Google has decided to exploit to the maximum by raising the price limit at which an application can be billed to the user.

From $200 at the launch of the Play Store, the price was raised to $400 at the end of 2015. Recently, Google took advantage of its Google I/O 2024 conference dedicated to developers to raise this ceiling by 150%, to reach $1000. This should not impact the overwhelming majority of applications in the Play Store. But certain business software and services could take advantage of this to increase the price of their annual subscription, even if it means spreading payments over 12 months to make it easier to get through it.

Source: Google Play Store /

Some developers have a sense of humor and already offer certain uninteresting applications at full price, simply to be able to show that you are the richest. This is the case of the game “Fisherpunk-Most Expensive Game” which is currently billed at the prices of the old limit of $400 (€350 with us). We can read in the description the sarcastic phrase “The most expensive game in the universe. Play this game and prove that you are the richest. »

So introducing the subscription deferred payment feature through the Play Store payment system was only the first step. A system which according to Google has already led to an 8% increase in the total number of subscriptions and a 4% increase in user spending. For Google, this is an additional way to increase the average basket of Android users compared to those of iOS.



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