Considered one of the best games of 2023, it is struggling to convince players and its sales are not taking off despite good reviews…

Considered one of the best games of 2023, it is struggling to convince players and its sales are not taking off despite good reviews…
Considered one of the best games of 2023, it is struggling to convince players and its sales are not taking off despite good reviews…

Fans were forced to wait no less than 13 years before being able to enjoy the sequel to the first Alan Wakeand if this long-awaited sequel has won over critics, but also players, we cannot really say that it has succeeded in conquer the wallets. Indeed, the game is considered a “financial failure” by many, and Remedy they themselves sadly admit it.

Alan Wake 2, not really a commercial success?

If the candidate for GOTY Alan Wake 2 has generated a lot of attention in the good sense of the term, but it is far from being a commercial success. Indeed, Remedy has bet big on this sequel, 13 years after the first game, and yet the numbers are clearly not there.

According to the financial report from the Finnish company, Alan Wake 2 sold for around 1,300,000 copies since its release. Compared to Controltheir previous title is 50% of morewhich might seem like a big hit.

However, we are far from a satisfactory figure. Indeed, Remedy themselves explain that “Alan Wake 2 has recovered a significant part of its development and marketing costs.

A significant part therefore means that the game is, for the moment, not even profitable yet, a big disappointment for this long-awaited sequel. A financial failure of this type could also pose a problem for the future of events…

Probably no sequel for Allan Wake 2?

Since the release of the game, part of the community has only been waiting for one thing: DLCs and an following. On the DLC side, we can see it as a boon for developers and an opportunity to fill the coffers quite significantly by offering content that would attract players to the title.

As for a sequel, however, given the budget necessary for the creation of this type of game, and the not really satisfactory results of this latest opus, it is quite possible that Remedy will launch on other projects rather than tempting devil again with a potential sequel to Alan Wake, requiring a big budget. It remains to be seen if the game catches up over time!



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