Guy St-Onge wants to resume dialogue with the municipality of L’Isle-aux-Coudres

Guy St-Onge wants to resume dialogue with the municipality of L’Isle-aux-Coudres
Guy St-Onge wants to resume dialogue with the municipality of L’Isle-aux-Coudres

The owner of Havre musical de L’Islet, Guy St-Onge, wants to avoid the referendum planned by the municipality of L’Isle-aux-Coudres. He wants to resume discussions and he will listen to concerns.

He reacted to the press release issued by the municipality last Thursday, which invoked the possibility of a referendum.

“The referendum is a costly process and in my opinion so avoidable if the municipality simply agreed to dialogue. Following meetings with them, I voluntarily made several corrections. As for what’s next, I have no idea what else they want. Do they want to reduce the number of shows or ban certain types? How can we solve the problem once and for all without knowing it? Once again, I offer my full cooperation so that we can discuss in a frank, open and transparent manner,” asks Mr. St-Onge, in a video published on social networks.

Let us add that more than 5,700 people signed the petition to keep the shows at musical de L’islet.

Mr. St-Onge also adds that in 10 years he has only received two complaints from citizens.

“Without clear discussion, I fear my passion will die out. All of this is already putting Le Havre’s next season in jeopardy. I simply ask that we take the time to discuss and understand each other before questioning everything. Together, let’s continue the dialogue so that Le Havre remains a symbol of pride for L’Isle-aux-Coudres,” he ends with emotion.



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