Cleondris: NetApp’s Swiss Army Knife

Cleondris: NetApp’s Swiss Army Knife
Cleondris: NetApp’s Swiss Army Knife

Cleondris, a Swiss software publisher specializing in securing NetApp environments, introduces ONE, a solution that combines backup, security and compliance within a single platform.

The IT news can only confirm it: cyberattacks are becoming more frequent, while being carried out in an ever more ingenious way. “We are facing increasingly sophisticated multi-factor attacks capable of paralyzing operations in just a few minutes. Similarly, attacks on the supply chain are only increasing in frequency and severity, which puts entire corporate networks at risk,” warns Dr. Christian Plattner, CEO of Cleondris, as part of the recent IT Press Tour in which Data News participated.

Growing up in a niche

Cleondris is not just another generic cybersecurity product that positions itself as an answer to these types of attacks. “We believe in specialization,” Plattner insists. “By focusing exclusively on NetApp, we are able to offer the best solution for this specific platform.” Cleondris specialized in securing data in NetApp environments when it was founded in 2006. With Cleondris ONE – recently presented at the NetApp Insight conference in Las Vegas – the company is no longer content to offer a shield against ransomware. ONE is presented as nothing less than a Swiss Army knife that combines security, backup and compliance in a single platform. In particular, it enables proactive threat detection using advanced AI algorithms, while being able to minimize downtime and accelerate data recovery after an attack. In addition, the solution offers automated compliance functions to meet legislation such as GDPR.

Surgical precision in data recovery

The knife is also able to recover files with surgical precision thanks to its Granular Cyber ​​Restore feature. “This is not just a recovery program, but an inflection point in the post-attack strategy,” Plattner insists. Granular Cyber ​​Restore combines forensic analysis with data recovery, allowing you to quickly and accurately identify which files have been attacked and recover only the damaged files. “This is a completely different approach than most recovery software, where you only have one chance to go back to a point in time and recover a copy of data that you know wasn’t attacked by malware. As a result, you also lose all the good data that was still stored after that attack. ONE solves this problem,” Plattner continues.

“We believe in specialization”

Dr. Christian Plattner

CEO Cleondris

Thanks to the blockchain

Cleondris ONE is based on blockchain technology. This generates audit trails that cannot be manipulated. “Any access to a file or modification is securely recorded in the blockchain,” Plattner explains. “This provides indisputable proof in the context of audits and investigations, which guarantees the integrity of your data.”

The CEO also emphasizes the user-friendliness of the solution. “We integrate seamlessly with any existing NetApp Ontap solution and guarantee deployment in less than an hour. It’s like turning a switch to add a layer of protection all at once without having to adapt your workflow.”

Although Cleondris is a Swiss company, it operates globally through an extensive network of resellers and implementation partners. “We are proud to see that several of the world’s largest companies entrust their most valuable data to our software,” adds Plattner without naming names. “Our ambition is not to prepare a big ‘exit’, but to continue to innovate and grow.”



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