Canonical and OAI around an open source telecom network infrastructure

Canonical and OAI around an open source telecom network infrastructure
Canonical and OAI around an open source telecom network infrastructure

Canonical announces its collaboration with OpenAirInterface (OAI). The alliance aims to foster the development and promotion of open source software for open radio access networks (Open RAN).

NWe are at the beginning of both a technical and commercial transition in the field of Open RAN. The Ubuntu editor intends to promote an open source stack for operators, network function providers and enterprises.

This announcement is therefore strategic. It comes on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of OAI (OpenAirInterface), which was held on September 12 and 13, 2024 in Sophia Antipolis () and where Canonical gave a speech highlighting the role of open source in the industry.

Canonical will bring automation in software lifecycle management to OAI’s RAN stack, along with additional infrastructure capabilities. The goal is to make it easier for telecom operators to adopt open source software as the telecom industry moves toward Open RAN running on COTS hardware.

Canonical is already involved in several projects, focusing on different aspects of Open RAN networks running open source virtual RAN workloads (vRAN).

With the OAI alliance, the company aims to establish an open source framework for Open RAN. One of the key elements of this framework is interoperability between the various system components. Another key aspect of this framework is to demonstrate how various open source technology components help users and developers deploy and operate OAI’s Open RAN software stack. This will include software orchestration, security maintenance, cloud-native development and runtime environments, all of which will be supported by various types of optimizations to improve performance.

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