Quest 3 and 3s climb in the Steamvr investigation

Quest 3 and 3s climb in the Steamvr investigation

Valve’s latest survey on the use of Steamvr reveals interesting facts to us: the Quest 3 and Quest 3S helmets are gaining ground. In other words, these devices are similar to the Quest 2 in popularity. This is good news for Meta, because it shows that more and more players are adopting its new models. We reveal all the details on this survey in the following lines.

Each month, Steam analyzes the equipment and software that players use. The survey is anonymous and not compulsory. He needs this data to guide investment choices and future products. The last survey conducted by Valve on Steamvr indicates an increasing adoption QUEST 3 and 3S helmets. Everything suggests that Meta’s plan works, since more and more PC VR users abandon the Quest 2 to adopt them at a sustained pace.

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In January, the Quest 2 still represented nearly 32 % of users on Steamvrbut the new generation of Meta helmets is fast approaching. While the Quest 2 gradually gives in the field, its successors, the Quest 3 and the Quest 3S, gain in popularity. The gap is tightening: 31 % of players remain attached to the old model, while 28 % have already adopted the new versions.

The evolution of Quest 3 in the Steamvr survey

And to say that in December, the difference was much more marked, with a quest 2 largely at 34 %while the Quest 3 and 3S were still far behind with 22 %. The Quest 3S takes up the screen and the lenses of the Quest 2, but offers better connectivity and a more efficient decoder for the VR on PC. The Quest 3, in addition to these improvements, is distinguished by more precise lenses and better quality screens. What about helmets in all of this?

The Pico 4 continues to climbwhile the PlayStation VR 2 follows the trend, but a little more timidly. On the other hand, old generation helmets, such as the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, begin to take dust. Even the Valve Index, however still valiant after five years, saw its score drop by 2.3 %.

It should be noted that in the Valve survey, Quest 3 and Quest 3S are considered to be One and the same model. The reason is simple: Steamvr detects them both under the name “Quest 3” when they use Quest Link or Virtual Desktop, as confirmed by its creator, Guy Godin.

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