Fascinating discovery or simple natural phenomenon?

Internet users have found a photograph of the surface of March taken in 2001 on which one has the impression of seeing a strange square structure. It was necessary to ignite social networks and revive the idea of an extraterrestrial civilization on the red planet. However, geology and terrestrial examples allow us to offer a much more rational explanation.
Like what the theory of “little green men” still has a bright future ahead of it. It emerges every time a somewhat “strange” structure – understand that our eyeeye of Terrien interprets as of non -natural origin – appears on a photographyphotography of the Martian landscape. This story started at the end of the 19th centurye century, with the discovery of “canals” by Giovanni Schiaparelli, linear structures visible on the surface of Mars which were quickly interpreted as the work of an extraterrestrial civilization. Although their existence was subsequently invalidated by more precise observations of the Martian surface, this hypothesis of a hidden civilization on the red planet will fuel the popular imagination for many years. So when the probe Vikingprobe Viking 1 flies over the planet in 1976 and photographs the relief of Cydonia table whose shadows immediately think of a face, the fantasy leaves more beautiful.
Speculations around a strange square form observed on Mars
Scientists will have explained that this is a form of optical illusion that is called pareidolia, a capacity of our brainbrain To recognize familiar forms (artificial faces or structures) in certain images, for some doubt remains. And it is certainly not the two Rovers stuffed with scientific equipment that has been desperately looking for for years a tiny trace of life (at the molecular level), which will make them hear reason.
Proof that the myth is always alive, the social networkssocial networks Exult for a few days at the sight of a 24 -year -old cliché taken by the Mars Global Surveyor probe. We see emerging right angles which give the impression that a square structure is buried under the sablesable.
Speculations are thus good trains, embellished with photos retouched by computercomputer In order to bring out this geometric shape even more (even if it means cheating a little). They are also stretched by a remark ofElon MuskElon Muskwho, as a good opportunist, adds a layer: “We should send astronauts to Mars to investigate!” »»he claims. As if doubt was allowed.
Otherwise, a geologistgeologist can easily give an explanation, and at a lower cost.
Péréidolie and natural geometry of fractures
First there is the phenomenon of paréidolia, which as explained above, invites our brain to associate distinct structures to form an object of our daily lives. This is why the play of shadows pushes us to connect the angle of the top with that of the bottom to form a square. We then have the impression of actually seeing a single object, while the two angular structures certainly have no link.
So certainly, there is this right angle which stands out clearly and which reminds of mursmurs of a ruined house. But by thinking about it, we remember that man is not the only one to produce geometric shapes. Nature, first of all, is governed by laws of angles. Would we have the idea of associating the volcanic organs of the Chaussée de Géants in Scotland with extraterrestrials? Or the slots of desiccationdesiccation In the mud of a dry lake? Or, even more speaking, the perfect cubic shape of a crystal of pyritepyrite ? Geometry is indeed everywhere in nature, that it corresponds to phenomena of crystallization, fracturing … or at random!
Knowing that photography was taken in the bottom of an immense crater, it is likely that this right angle visible on Mars will result from the orthogonal intersection of two fractures, or from dikesdikes (rectilineal cracks filled with magmamagma). The terrestrial landscapes are filled with (natural) examples of this type. Just look around!