Sharesub: coabling, or how to pay Netflix cheaper

Sharesub: coabling, or how to pay Netflix cheaper

Interview with Jean-Brice Cazenove, founder and CEO of Sharesub.

© Sharesub

780 € per year, this is the average sum that a Frenchman spends in his digital subscriptions. A few months after the price of the Disney+subscription price, and while the Netflix streaming giant has just announced a new increase in its prices, the bill is more salty for consumers.

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It is enough for this to observe the price increase in the past four years: +100 % for Disney +Premium, +87 % for Netflix Premium, +40 % on the Canal +side, or +33 % for YouTube Premium. In this slump, users are looking for an alternative to obtain their dose of entertainment.

In addition to the numerous free streaming offers, one of the solutions is coabing, which allows an account owner to share his places available to individuals, for a financial contribution.

Interview with Jean-Brice de Cazenove (Sharesub)

From Spliiit to Togetherprice, via Sharesub, several platforms already offer this service, but that naturally arouses user questions. Is it legal? How do these sites circumvent the restrictions on account sharing? Quid protection of my data?

Digital met with Jean-Brice de Cazenove, co-founder and CEO of the Sharesub coabing site. The latter answered these important questions of use, while defending a certain solidarity of consumers.

What was the trigger for the creation of Sharesub?

What set fire to the powder was the arrival of the Spotify Family plan several years ago (in 2014, editor’s note). My brother offered one to the whole family at Christmas and I then calculated that he had paid several thousand euros. I wanted to reimburse him and understood that something was missing to allow subscriptions, reimbursements, subscribers …

In Sharesub, we thought ourselves as a reimbursement service for recurring costs between individuals. We are just the mediator between an owner with available places, and those looking for. We see ourselves as the Blablacar of the servant, and I like this comparison because it allows to see that there is a form of solidarity between users.

We see ourselves as the servant’s Blablacar.

Jean-Brice de Cazenove
What differentiates you from candidates or similar services like Spliiit?

There are commonalities with the prize pools, but managing the recurrence is really an additional complexity and that’s what differentiates us very strongly. We have also produced a lot of substantive work to get all the shareable offers, including the T & Cs (General conditions of useeditor’s note) provide for them to be used by several people.

We also have a model with weaker commissions than our competitors for participants – those who join a group – or even no commission – those who offer their subscription and make the effort to share.

Sharesub is currently offering coins on 574 services.

© Sharesub / Digital

Is Sharesub’s offer legal? How do you manage this notion of “home” imposed by platforms?

It could have been a trap question some time ago, but it is no longer today since Netflix clarified the situation with the off -center invitation and the additional subscriber. There was previously a vagueness in Netflix CGUs, but now the option is clear and clear, and this is the shares that Sharesub wants to favor.

Sharesub claims 500,000 active users in 2025.

© Sharesub

Do you exchange with platforms like Netflix or Disney+? How are discussions with broadcasters go?

Today we are starting to discuss with them in an approach business to businessbecause we just want to offer all these publishers to take control of the management of this sharing.

Our idea is to offer these streaming platforms to work with us. There is a real desire for collaboration.

Jean-Brice de Cazenove

If tomorrow, and we believe that this is the meaning of history, they want to go further in the process when they offer a plan for several people, we must allow these people to also share payment. Our idea is to offer these streaming platforms to work with us for implementation. There is a real desire for collaboration.

Why are IA services like Chatgpt not eligible for sharesub subscription sharing?

They are not included, because each time we reference a service in our charter, we want to know if the plan is designed for use with others. And in most IA subscriptions, there is an administrator who has rights to user data. This is something that we will systematically exclude, because we need perfect data permeability between different users.

Sharesub is available in 33 countries, mainly European.

© Sharesub / Digital

Sharesub now offers 575 services. What do you think is the next horizon of the site? The next services to arrive on Sharesub?

We look at what is happening every day. The latest service on date is the chess site that has just created a multi-user plan. We also slowly see sports services arriving, like Strava, and I think there will be others. Sport is one more nice universe in our spectrum.

Sharesub was launched in 2020. Five years later, how much do you claim users?

It’s a bit complicated because some demand a lot. A site that asks people to register to access the content will have many users, but not necessarily active subscribers. We have no connection wall. And in Sharesub, we are going to be just over 500,000 active users today every month.

I like to think that co -considering is a solution that helps people get paid.

Jean-Brice de Cazenove
What are Sharesub’s ambitions for 2025?

Simply developed in Europe and in the 33 countries where we are already present. And then, indeed, we have discussions in progress with broadcasters for the side business to business. We would like to have some that work with us this year. I like to think that co -considering is a solution that helps people get paid. We hope that it will direct people to more qualitative content. Because when you look at quality content, you learn and progress humanly.

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