Google improves its Sheets spreadsheet

Good news for lovers of paintings and graphics: the Google Sheets application greatly gains in performance, even for users of the free version.
The Mountain View firm has just announced some improvements “under the hood” for one of its flagship products, the online spreadsheet Google Sheets. This office automation application accessible via a web browser has just benefited from several optimizations, aimed at significantly increasing its performance in “Every day actions”in the words of the company.
In detail, three very common operations see their execution speed increase significantly. On the one hand, the calculation sheets, that is to say the files, load the recorded data 30 % faster. On the other hand, the configuration and application of filters as well as the copy of data from a spreadsheet to another become both 50 % faster.
These improvements are available now, for all Google Sheets users, whatever their type of account: staff (free), professional or individual workspace. No manual action or any update is required to take advantage of it, these changes being deployed directly in the application by Google, without user intervention.
According to our first observations, which are certainly not scientific, the opening of the calculation sheets seem in fact more bicycle than before. On a basic file containing a few hundred lines for a dozen columns, the opening and display are now almost instantaneous, while before the lines tended to load in blocks for a few seconds.