How to make African research visible?

How to make African research visible?

How to give their place to researchers, present on the whole continent, but absent from international scientific publications? Crossed views of the various actors of research gathered in CAP in South Africa to bring out a science actually opened in the south.

Report in CAP in South Africa, during the 3th Edition of the conference ” Open science in the south »Organized jointly by the IRD and the NRF (National Research Foundation) of South Africa whose theme had: African Scientific Publishing We Want

Crossed views of researchers engaged on both the continent in French -speaking Africa and Anglophone and Lusophone, to make their research more visible


Peace Mchunubotanist, in charge of science open to the NRF and co-organicatice of this conference in Capetown

Thandi Jobi virologist Vice-Chancellière de la NRF

Norbert Hounkounou professor of mathematics at the University of Abomey-Calavi in ​​Benin. President of the Network of African Academies of Sciences.

Roger Tsafack, Professor of economics rector of the University of DSCHANG1 in Cameroon

Cécile Coulibay, Deputy Director of the Virtual University of Côte d’Ivoire

Katlin et Adrienne students at the University of Capetown

Music broadcast

Galley sinpé sissoco, derek gripper – basket

Abdullah Ibrahim – Open Door Within

Zacari, Babes Wodumo – Redemption

Philip Tabane – Dibenjo

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