This error that we all make by listening to audio messages

This error that we all make by listening to audio messages

On the WhatsApp messaging network, a handling error makes it difficult to listen to vocal notes. Here is the gesture to avoid to use messaging without a hitch.

For many WhatsApp users, the reception of voice messages is usual. However, a common gesture hinders his good listening.

Indeed, by receiving a voice message, many users have the reflex to bring their mobile closer to their ear, until it stuck it, sometimes, as during a call. Problem: this gesture has the consequence of stopping reading the audio.

No, it is not a “bug” of the application

Indeed, what is judged by many as an internal problem and which causes misunderstanding is a simple functionality. The proximity sensor of the phone, which allows it in particular to make the mobile in standby during a call (to prevent the touch in contact with the ear to make its own, for example) triggers and ends any use . The device, which detects a presence close to the sensor, acts as during a communication. Listening to the voice note is therefore stopped and the phone is placed in standby.

To perfectly listen to a vocal note, you have to approach your phone without it being too close or bring it to headphones or a helmet, or even listen to it via the speaker when possible. Another solution to continue to listen to your “vocal” without changing habit: deactivate the local sensor. This solution is possible via the settings of Android products but is not possible on Apple.

The WhatsApp application is one of the most used in the world, in the same way as YouTube, Google, Facebook and Gmail. With 2 billion users and 100 billion messages that pass there every day, the META group’s jewel has established itself as the world leader in instant communication.

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