For several months, Bytedance, the parent company of Tiktok, has been working on the development of a new virtual reality headset. But for the IFA, the Chinese giant is not (yet) tackling the Apple Vision Pro, as rumors suggested, but rather the Meta Quest 3 with the Pico 4 Ultra.
This mid-range helmet, sold for 599 euros, will be available for pre-order from September 6 to 19, 2024 in France, before an official launch on the 20th.
It has a latest generation Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 processor, 12GB of RAM and 256GB of storage.
On the screen side, there are two of 2160x2160px at 90Hz. Everything is equipped with Wifi 7 compatibility. Dedicated cameras also allow you to see your surroundings in color.
Bytedance hopes to shake up Meta in the consumer mixed reality (virtual and augmented) sector, especially since it has an operating system developed by itself, and an application that will allow you to film spatial videos and wireless connectivity with a computer, to find its screens directly in your headset.
If you pre-order the headset, you get free wristbands for leg tracking (they normally sell for €89 separately), and four games, including Blade & Sorcery: Nomad et Infinite Inside.