we attended the preview of Kaizen, the Inoxtag documentary on Everest


The preview of “Kaizen: One Year to Climb Everest” was sold out this Friday, September 13. Tech&Co went to meet some fans in front of the Grand Rex.

“Imagine if Inoxtag is there?” This Friday, September 13, on Boulevard Poissonnière, it is impossible to escape the general euphoria of the fan cohort huddled in tight rows, several dozen meters before the entrance to the Grand Rex. All are there to see the preview of Kaizen: a year to carve Everestthe Inoxtag documentary broadcast in a single session.

More than a year ago, the YouTuber with 8 million subscribers set himself a crazy challenge: to climb Everest, proud of its 8,800 meters. After a year of training, the videographer left for more than a month to tackle the roof of the world. He has since returned with memories full of eyes and, above all, a documentary of nearly 3 hours on his epic.

RMC bonus: YouTuber Inoxtag will reveal his ascent of Everest in the cinema – 02/09

“It’s really a dream”

Wisely glued to the door of the cinema, the fans are getting impatient. “Our legs hurt a bit. It’s a bit long,” complains Yolan, 20. Alicia, 26, arrived four hours before the start of the screening. The one who is second in line came specially from Grenoble for the occasion.

“I really couldn’t miss this,” she says. “Inoxtag is super motivating. In my personal projects, I sometimes think of his determination and it helps me move forward,” she continues, impatient to finally enter the dark room. “So I hope he will convey a beautiful message in his film.”

Sasha, Arthur and Julien are chatting a few meters away. Like Alicia, they came from the other side of France for the event. “My goal is to work with him one day. It’s really a dream to be there,” says Sasha, an audiovisual student. “After the trailer, we expect images that are as great as Everest,” adds Julien. “I can’t wait.”

A craze that escapes the members of security, anxious to maintain order. “This world is crazy for a YouTuber,” one of them whispers to us. When we ask these fans what pushed them to come from the other side of France for a preview, many point out the ease with which it is possible to identify with the 22-year-old internet star.

A determination that inspires

“Before, we would see him doing Fortnite live streams in his bedroom at his parents’ house,” adds Arthur, 19. “He’s almost our age and he climbed the roof of the world. So, it’s easy to tell yourself that we can achieve feats like him.” “He never gives up, it’s super motivating,” marvels Cassie. “When you see someone young climb Everest, it makes you want to challenge yourself.”

Sophie, she has been waiting for two hours. Classes? “We skipped,” she replies, as if it were obvious. Instagram, Snapchat, X (ex-twitter), she can’t stop taking photos. “It’s crazy to be here, I can’t believe it,” she smiles.

An opinion shared by Héra, Sarah, Solène and Aëla. The four friends won a competition organized by Inoxtag’s manager to attend the preview at the Grand Rex. They are all wearing a straw hat, which has become the YouTuber’s emblem over the years.

“We were so happy. I was jumping up and down,” one of the high school girls giggles. “Just in case, we had reserved seats at another cinema. We really didn’t want to miss it.”

Applause, laughter and tears

At Tech&Co, we were less lucky. It was impossible to get tickets for the Grand Rex screening, with the presence of Inoxtag and all the best of Youtube. We had to fall back on the Pathé cinema in La Villette. Inside the room, it’s the excitement of big nights. Some spectators came with the famous straw hat that Inoxtag took on his expedition.

At 9:10 pm, it is finally time for the long-awaited documentary. The fans are stamping their feet. Some are giving the noisy spectators murderous looks to calm down. The images are impressive. The epic music is a bit too present. But what does it matter to the fans.

In the room, obviously full, the spectators applaud the appearance of the YouTuber, and shed a tear when the parents of the star intervene. General bursts of laughter are heard when a Swiss met at a base camp tells a funny anecdote, or when a Sherpa child answers to Inoxtag that she does not think he will succeed in climbing Everest. The cheese in very poor condition unpacked in full ascent and the new cup of Mathis Dumas, his guide, also make more than one laugh.

After more than 2 hours of film, the room holds its breath. After a particularly difficult climb, marked by capricious weather, Inoxtag arrives in tears at the summit of Everest.

“We fucking did it,” he says, his voice full of emotion. “This is our summit, it’s not just me guys.”

“A real life lesson”

The room continues to applaud. Others cry at the images of Inoxtag opening a gift from his mother on the roof of the world.

As they leave the Pathé cinema in La Villette, James and Laila are won over.

“In the end, we don’t care whether he reached the top. It’s a real life lesson. It makes you want to become better,” the student says.

“The duet between Inoxtag and Manish is already iconic,” exclaims his friend, who is already planning to watch the documentary again. Seeing it in a packed room is also a game changer. “Being with other fans who watch his videos, sharing that with people, it’s a powerful moment,” observes Iliès, 16. “The emotion is tenfold.”

The success of the previews, organized all over France, Belgium and Luxembourg, allowed to record more than 200,000 entries. For fans of the gaming YouTuber who were unable to attend the single screening, there is still one option: YouTube. Inoxtag’s documentary will indeed be available for free on September 14 at 2:30 p.m. on the videographer’s channel.


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